Ha! Doesn’t that showcase what I greenhorn I was when it came to writing.
Craft, POV, passive writing and white space were as foreign to me as the appeal of the “skinny jeans” celebs and rock stars seem to favor.
I decided to join a writing group so others could marvel at my natural talent. Good Grief! I had no idea paper could bleed.
I’ve often compared learning ropes of writing to swimming in murky water. Anybody can swim, but not everyone can find the shore. Becoming a writer takes hard work and practice. Yes, getting your booty into the chair is the first step, but developing the art of being a good writer takes perseverance.
Several red pens have had to die to get me to where I am today. I’m still working on my first MS, but my writing is leaps and bounds better than when I first started. Thanks to my wonderful critique group, I’ve been able to keep my head above water. I don’t know where I’d be if it hadn’t been for them.
I created The Lovestruck Novice with the idea that I might save other newbie writers from floundering their way through the learning curve. I post interviews every Friday where I grill established romance authors on craft and writing. Don’t worry, no authors are hurt in this process! I follow the quid pro quo mentality―I promo their work by posting excerpts and book covers.
A win, win situation.
A couple of months ago, I added Passion and Patter to my bag of tricks. For this blog, I scour through all of my Yahoo loops and make note of things like who has a new release, a kicking new contract or won a contest. I’ve been known to blurb their books in my quirky humor and=2 0post their book cover with a buy page link. I do it for free and like to surprise them with an email from me letting them know I promo’d them on my blog. I’m just a firm believer in ‘paying it forward.’
If you have the time to spare, take a gander at my blogs. I love comments and volunteers for interviews! Got a new release or news to Patter about? Drop me a line! http://uk.mc284.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=Simas753@aol.com
http://thelovestrucknovice.blogspot.com/ and http://passionandpatter.blogspot.com/
http://thelovestrucknovice.blogspot.com/ and http://passionandpatter.blogspot.com/
I’d like to thank Debby for all the hard work she does putting out this newsletter AND allowing me to talk about my blogs! She’s sure sweet to take a chance on a newbie. Keep the faith and love the craft!
Thanks for all the hard work you do, Debby!